KU Leuven LICT offers a broad range of ICT related expertise including a.o. HW, communications, (distributed) SW, data & media analysis, security & safety, human-computer interaction taking into account user and legal aspects

KU Leuven LICT offers a broad range of ICT related expertise including a.o. HW, communications, (distributed) SW, data & media analysis, security & safety, human-computer interaction taking into account user and legal aspects

Expertise Short Title
KU Leuven LICT offers a broad range of ICT related expertise including a.o. HW, communications, (distributed) SW, data & media analysis, security & safety, human-computer interaction taking into account user and legal aspects
Expertise offered

Representing about 90 professors and over 500 researchers, the KU Leuven research center on ICT (LICT) offers expertise on aspects like:
- Hardware design of radiation-hardened IC’s and radar-technology
- (End-to-end) sensing and communication systems
- Embedded and distributed software and systems
- ICT security, privacy and safety
- Multimedia processing and analytics
- AI, data analytics and modeling
- Human-Computer Interaction including a.o. human-computer interfaces, VR/AR/XR, (personalized) visualisations and recommender systems, persuasive system design
taking into account user- and legal aspects.
Application domains are broad including a.o. health and wellbeing, sports, smart cities/buildings/homes/industry, education, agriculture and food, media, logistics, …

LICT offers its expertise for collaboration in all types of research projects.

More information can be found on www.kuleuven.be/LICT or by contacting Greet Bilsen, LICT valorisation coordinator

Expertise key words


Name: Greet Bilsen
Company: KU Leuven - LICT
Type of Organisation: University
Country: Belgium
Web: http://www.kuleuven.be/LICT

Brief description of my Organisation

LICT is a KU Leuven internal research center that unites professors from multiple research groups all active in the broad area of ICT including HW, SW, legal and user aspects.
The center represents 17 KU Leuven research groups, about 90 professors and over 500 researchers.

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