Integrated care for next generation

Project Status: Running
Start Date: April 2021
End Date: March 2024
Budget (total): 3421 K€
Effort: 88.84 PY
Project-ID: C2020/1-8
Agartee Technology Inc, Canada
Budapest Univ Technology & Economics (BUTE), Hungary
Multilogic Consulting and Computing Ltd., Hungary
IRM, Korea
Globepoint, Korea
Life Friend, Korea
Glintt S.L., Portugal
Instituto politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP/GECAD), Portugal
Turkcell Teknoloji, Türkiye
Lviv Polytehnic National University, Ukraine
Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine
Somatic holding inc., Ukraine
Not yet active
Applied Research Development and Innovation Center (ARDIC), Türkiye
Medron, Türkiye
NetRD Technology, Türkiye
The project will develop a service framework where increased possibilities for improved wellness and care at home, directed by data driven methods, integrating needs from different stages of life, different caregivers and different diagnosis. A combined strategy of service framework development, business modelling and use case solutions will be undertaken. This multi-track approach aims at developing a service framework that enables the creation of flexible user solutions and a business milieu where new digital business models can flourish. The vision is the creation of services for wellness and care that is in line with the concepts of prediction, prevention, personalisation and participation (4P medicine, Flores et al 2013), integrated care and care at home. Care integration would mean that care or wellness support, which incorporate a number of different providers, would be possible to deliver to the end user in an integrated way, avoiding a large set of devices or applications that would be hard to handle. The aging population and the rise of chronic illness, which cannot be treated at care facilities, demands a functional preventive care and care for these diseases at home. In this manner we are looking at a service framework and a technical platform that is developed on the principles of integration, standardisation, modularisation and flexibility, which are needed to meet the demands of integration of care, home care and personalisation of care, according to the 4 P Medicine principles. The current situation (March 2020) and the now ongoing situation of a Covid19 pandemic shows the extra need of home care and the need of fast and personalised development of new services for the emerging situation. As the generic principles of the platform intend to facilitate fast and personalized application development, a number of current cases connected to Covid 19 is envisioned to be driving the platform development, and used to prove the viability of the platform by developing operational solutions based on the platform. This framework introduces abstraction layers between data capture, data management and data utilization. This means that new solutions can be developed in a flexible way, gathering data from diverse sources and presented in different ways depending on the user, to the user, including both consumers of care, care professionals and other stakeholders. The service and so that both sides are flexible in the choice of the actual software solution supporting the same service definition language.