Title (required)
First Name (required)
Family Name (required)
Company/Organisation (required)
Address (required)
ZIP Code (required)
City (required)
Country (required)
Email (required)
I would like to present a proposal/project idea
If you would like to present a proposal /project idea, please specify title (and details, if available)
I agree that my presentation, including my contact details will be shown to the participants during the proposers day's sessions in Madrid.
I agree that my presentation, including my contact data will be put online on the Celtic-Web.
I would like to get regular information about Celtic Events & Celtic Calls
Presentation file(s) must be emailed by 21 September 2018 to event[at]celticplus.eu. Please use the following presentation template: Presentation template Please be aware that the presentations are limited to 6 minutes.
For the matchmaking in the afternoon of the Proposers Day you have also the possibility to bring a poster: Please use the following presentation template: Poster template (If you send us the poster before 18 September 2018 we can print the poster for you).
We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.