1.1 What is Celtic-Next and is its main focus?
Celtic-Next is an industry-driven European research initiative to define, perform and finance through public and private funding common research projects in the area of telecommunications, new media, future Internet, and applications & services focusing on a new “Smart Connected World” paradigm. Celtic-Next is a EUREKA ICT cluster and belongs to the inter-governmental EUREKA network.
1.2 What is a EUREKA cluster project?
EUREKA ‘Clusters’ are long-term, strategically significant industrial initiatives. They usually have a large number of participants, and aim to develop generic technologies of key importance for European competitiveness. Celtic-Next is a EUREKA cluster project that carries out projects in the domain of integrated telecommunications systems.
1.3 What is a Celtic-Next Label?
A Celtic-Next Label is an indication that a proposal has been technically assessed and proposed by the Celtic-Next Core Group, in discussion with the Public Authorities, as a valid Celtic-Next project. A Celtic-Next label does not give any confirmation that public funding has been agreed for that project. The funding negotiation still needs to be done by each project partner individually.
1.4 Is a Celtic-Next Label assigned for the whole project or for each project partner?
After the evaluation process and the labelling process a Celtic-Next label is assigned to all project participants included in the proposal. In case a new partner will come in later the Celtic-Next label will be extended to this partner also (e.g. by approving a project change request). However, it is possible that the Celtic-Next label is removed for a project participant only, e.g. in case this participant is not eligible for the label or is not willing to comply to the Celtic-Next or EUREKA rules.
1.5 How long is a Celtic-Next Label valid?
The Celtic-Next label is valid for 10 months. If within this period a project has not achieved very significant progress towards the Kick-Off of the project, the Celtic-Next label will expire. The partners have the possibility to reapply for the Celtic-Next label again in a follow-up Call.