3. Public funding, Public Authorities


3.1 How to apply for public funding?
It is very important to understand that each project participant has to establish, as early as possible, a contact with the responsible national public authority. An early contact can avoid unnecessary work for producing a proposal in case national funding will be unlikely to be obtained.
Funding is possible through grants, subsidies or loans. The percentage of funding varies and is generally in the region between 30 and 60% of the total budget. Some countries have a dedicated EUREKA budget while others provide funding through the normal funding programs. An overview on the national funding schemes can be found at the Celtic-Public-Authorities web page and at the EUREKA site.

3.3 How to contact the national representatives (Public Authority)?
Public Authorities in charge for the Celtic-Next cluster are listed at the Celtic-Next web site- contact page. At this page, as far as available, information is provided on funding requirements and application modalities.

3.4 What possibilities exist if national funding is not granted?
If a partner will not receive public funding it is recommended to check on the national side if other possibilities exist to receive financial support. This may be possible, e.g. through loans or national research initiatives that provide e.g. support for SMEs. The partner may, of course, also decide to work in a project on own costs or to withdraw from the project.

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