Network and resource management, resilience, and security for communication and energy networks

Network and resource management, resilience, and security for communication and energy networks

Expertise Short Title
Network and resource management, resilience, and security for communication and energy networks
Expertise offered

The Chair of Communication Networks (Prof. Menth) within the Department of Computer Science at the University of Tuebingen focusses on network and resource management, resilience/fault tolerance, and security in communication networks. Methods are algorithm design, modelling, simulation, analysis, optimization, measurement, performance evaluation, prototyping. As the University of Tübingen is a major hub for ML/AI, we would particularly like to apply them in our projects if it makes sense. We participate for about 15 years in Internet standardization in IRTF/IETF. We work on software-defined networking (SDN), both OpenFlow and P4 (Tofino plattform), IoT, and we have experience in the automotive field. We have further projects on industrial networking (TSN) and eHealth. There is a general interest for topics in publish/subscribe and distributed systems.

Regarding energy networks, we are interested in both communication aspects in smart grids as well as in resource management and optimization issues in energy networks and the management of renewable energies including electricity markets. Special interests are demand side management, integration of e-mobility, optimized process schduling.

Expertise key words


Name: Michael Menth
Company: University of Tuebingen
Type of Organisation: University
Country: Germany
Telephone: +49 7071 2970505

Brief description of my Organisation

The Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
Innovative. Interdisciplinary. International. Since 1477. These have been the University of Tübingen’s guiding principles in research and teaching ever since it was founded. With this long tradition, the University of Tübingen is one of the most respected universities in Germany. Recently, its institutional strategy was successfully selected for funding in the Excellence Initiative sponsored by the German federal and state governments, making Tübingen one of Germany’s eleven universities distinguis-hed with that title of excellence. Tübingen has also proven its status as a leading research university in many national and international competitions.

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