The EUREKA Clusters CELTIC-NEXT, EUROGIA, ITEA 3, and PENTA-EURIPIDES² and a number of EUREKA Public Authorities are launching a Call for innovative projects in the domain of Artificial Intelligence. The aim of this Call is to boost the productivity and competitiveness of European industries through the adoption and use of AI systems and services.

Artificial Intelligence is a rapidly developing technology with the potential to influence or transform almost every aspect of the economy and society. In-depth knowledge and leadership in developing and applying this powerful capability are necessary to maintain leadership in multiple application areas and take advantage of new opportunities. This AI Call will put you one step ahead!

AI Call timeline

How to participate

At the dedicated website, you can find the submission template, eligibility criteria and funding details per country. There is also a brokerage service available, including Project Idea Tool and Partner search, for you to find potential partners and share ideas.

Project Submission Process

  • Submissions will be based on a single-step process
  • Project Proposals will be entered via a single common submission system and portal
  • It is essential for each partner to contact their supporting Public Authority at the earliest opportunity to verify eligibility
  • Funding rates/Rules of participation are subject to National policy
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