7. Subcontracting of Project Participants


It is possible that an, already registered project participant subcontracts work for another organisation for doing active work for the contracting project participant. In case of subcontracting the following requirements must be observed and fulfilled:

1. The effort performed by the subcontracted organisation must be included in the effort of the subcontracting party (the official project participant). This mean the subcontracting partner will be charged for the effort of the subcontracted organisation. This means that the effort figures of the subcontracting partners increases by the effort for the subcontracted organisation. In this case the subcontractor will not appear as official project partner.

2. Alternatively, if the project partner should be listed as official project partner, the subcontract has to indicate all effort figures of work performed in the project including the subcontracted organisation. The fees will then be charged to the subcontracting party. This requires that the subcontract is made known to Celtic and the invoicing process can be handled by the subcontracting partner.

3. In the exceptional case a subcontractor shall act as a project coordinator a special authorisation from Celtic Office is required. If accepted the case has to be handled as indicated under item 2. It is not possible that the subcontracted organisation, as coordinator, will not appear as consortium partner.

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