Our new project ATTACC for an AuTomated TAx Compliance for Cross-border Trading with GRAN-IoT – held its kick-off meeting 8 and 9 October 2024!
The last 8th and 9th of October 2024, the AuTomated TAx Compliance for Cross-border Trading with GRAN-IoT (ATTACC) project held its Plenary Kickoff meeting in a hybrid mode with our CELTIC-NEXT Director.
This first official meeting was the occasion to review and present all partners and work package duties.

The 7 consortium members from UK, Turkiye and Israel are the following:
- Brunel University London, UK (coordinator)
- Planet Computers Ltd, UK
- RunEL NGMT, Israel
- Bewell Technology Industry & Trade Inc., Türkiye
- Vektora, Türkiye
- MNG Airlines, Türkiye
In total this project total budget is up to 2710.3 K€, and its goal is to reduce administration burden on taxpayers in addition to being reliable and secure and move compliance upstream closer to taxable events.
This project proposal demonstrates how this could be achieved through Generic Radio Access Network (GRAN)-IoT-enabled cross-border trading. This project seeks to reduce frictions in international trade that stem from data duplication and complex administrative processes to deliver an automated cross-border tax and customs compliance capability. This is achieved by tracking goods as they pass through the border with the use of GRAN-IoT-based localisation. GRAN-IoT sensors are attached to goods, pallets, unit load devices or containers, in a “Russian-Doll hierarchy” and announce landing to a GRAN situated at the point of entry in the destination country. The GRAN makes the system internationally compatible and viable as it can interoperate with multiple wireless technologies. Landing events notify a Logistics Tracking service which monitors supply chain flows and in turn notifies a Smart Data Service that aggregates tracking information. This information is shared with a Distributed Ledger Technology-based tax service which employs smart contracts to detect taxable events, calculate the right amount of tax and trigger tax payments to enforce compliance and make tax and trade effortless. The proposed infrastructure capability, namely AuTomated TAx Compliance for Cross-border Trading with GRAN-IoT (ATTACC) will be developed with Agile methodology and embrace iterative development and testing to deliver a working end-to-end communications infrastructure.