Proposal Ideas:
European Mobile Cyber Protection (EMCP)
Objective of Proposal Idea:
This project aims to create a comprehensive cybersecurity solution for personal mobile devices, addressing common threats like phishing, grayware, and MITM attacks. Our goal is to reduce data leaks and improve the user experience while strengthening European data sovereignty. The EMCP will reduce the number of individuals suffering of high-sensitive data leakage, improve the UX of built-in-mobile-devices cybersecurity facilities and increase the individual's ability to self cyber-protection, in addition to increased protection from cyberthreats and cybercrimes for personal mobile-devices and a strengthened European data sovereignty by improved resilience and safety.
Post Quantum 6G Networks and Services
Objective of Proposal Idea:
Securing mobile communication in a Post-Quantum world is of strategic importance for nation states. With the help of our research and development partners in academia and industry, our aim is to achieve two objectives, namely: (1) make 6G mobile networks secure using post-quantum cryptography i.e. come up with approaches to address PKI and secure messaging, and (2) explore the use of quantum computing to optimise existing networks (e.g. error correction in messages). To this end, we would like to build and test proof-of-value solutions using in-house testbed facilities at Digital Catapult (UK) and also deploy these on a partnering mobile[...]
Post Quantum 6G Networks and Services
Objective of Proposal Idea:
Securing mobile communication in a Post-Quantum world is of strategic importance for nation states. With the help of our research and development partners in academia and industry, our aim is to achieve two objectives, namely: (1) make 6G mobile networks secure using post-quantum cryptography i.e. come up with approaches to address PKI and secure messaging, and (2) explore the use of quantum computing to optimise existing networks (e.g. error correction in messages). To this end, we would like to build and test proof-of-value solutions using in-house testbed facilities at Digital Catapult (UK) and also deploy these on a partnering mobile[...]
Real Trustworthy Systems
Objective of Proposal Idea:
Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, digital twins, programmable networks, metaverse and augmented reality and the required data processing will only happen in a trustworthy manner if the systems running the software and processing the data are themselves trustworthy. Technologies such as trusted and confidential computing, cloud orchestration and the whole range of machine learning and data processing technologies all must be properly integrated such that the system as a whole can provide a trustworthy platform that the users and developers can depend upon. Providing for trust acrosss a system comprising of many individual pieces of hardware and software, scattered from centralised systems[...]
Digital Plane Safe
Objective of Proposal Idea:
Aviation and aerospace have security and safety concerns that are not present nor considered in cloud-based systems for "normal" applications. If the capabilities of cloud-based systems can be extended to aviation scenarios without compromise of safety then this would have many costs, flexibility, and even environmental benefits. Furthermore, it would allow much more dynamicity in the configuration of systems, optimizations through localized and remote data processing and open a path for technologies such as AI to be utilized. Applying commodity hardware and technologies such as containerization to aviation systems would, for example, bring benefits in the amount of hardware carried,[...]
Invulnerable secure edge cloud document storage
Objective of Proposal Idea:
Holding information at the edge of the network, close to consumers, has the potential to reduce costs and energy consumption, but maintaining physical and digital security at many distributed locations is challenging. After cost, potential edge computing users cite security concerns as their biggest concern. For the most sensitive data, organisations have tended to prefer on-premises storage, with the additional security and reliability risks that this entails. Umbra Systems has a new mathematical approach to efficiently, quickly and economically split a source document into multiple shadows; each of which is provably un-decryptable, that can be distributed in an optimal manner[...]
Expertise Offerings:
SiYtE situational awareness platform, using computer vision, IoT, edge computing, AI.
Company Name: Purple Transform
Expertise offered:
SiYtE is a situational awareness platform for complex and hazardous environments. It uses computer vision, IoT and third party data to automate the monitoring of these environments; provide workflow tools for alerting to resolve immediate issues; and capture longer-term trend analysis for performance monitoring, identification of issues and so on. Its first customer was Network Rail. On the rail network the solution is used trackside for trespass detection, theft prevention at Redeployable Equipment Buildings, landslip monitoring, PPE detection for track workers, and other use cases. It is used on stations and concourses to monitor crowding, slips trips & falls, and[...]
Capacity to develop, deploy and operate cybersecurity solutions (systems, assets, software, controls and services) on infrastructures and products
Company Name: EMETEL
Expertise offered:
EMETEL is a technology consultancy oriented to facilitate public and private entities the digitization of their business processes. EMETEL has a cybersecurity department (more than 70 cybersecurity professionals) which offers all the key services to guarantee the security of organisations and their critical infrastructures to face present and future challenges in cybersecurity and cyber-intelligence. As well as this, EMETEL develops its own cybersecurity products, the result of its innate commitment to R&D and continuous innovation. Since CELTIC-NEXT recommends all projects to consider the cybersecurity dimension we can adapt our role to different use cases and sectors: energy, industry, ports, mobility,[...]
Applied Cryptography and Blockchain Security
Company Name: Xtinge Technology Inc.
Expertise offered:
Our group has academic level expertise on blockchains and crypto currencies, especially focusing on their security and novel applications. With more than 15 years of cryptographic expertise on provably secure protocol design, we authored world-class scientific publications on the topic. We are open for project collaboration as well as consultancy roles.
Project Manager, Research Collaboration at F-Secure Corporation
Company Name: F-Secure Corporation
Expertise offered:
F-Secure is a Finnish and globally operating cybersecurity company. F-Secure designs and offers award-winning security and privacy products and services that help tens of millions of consumers to protect themselves against online threats. F-Secure’s offering includes a comprehensive range of cyber security products and services related to endpoint security, privacy protection, password management and digital identity protection, and router security that protects consumers' entire connected home and has 17 million subscribers across all channels. The majority of F-Secure revenue come from selling products and services through its extensive and global Channel Partner network, including approximately 200 Channel Partners. Channel Partners[...]
Through its i2D Research Telematics Platform, Livedrive focuses in Behavioral | Cultural area related to cars, gathering expertise in mechanical engineering, energy, software, IoT, electronics | comms, socioeconomic cultural behaviours, mobility, security
Company Name: Livedrive Ltd
Expertise offered:
Driving Scores: developed methodologies and hundreds of algorithms that today are the core tech base to be updated and upgraded to reliably support “Incentives-charging” public policies, develop new concepts as the “Environmental and Safety Tachographs”, and develop a “Universal OBFCM (On Board Fuel Consumption Monitor) device, software based” Fuel, energy consumption and Emissions (CO2; NOX) productions calculations based on raw data collected onboard. EU CO2 Regulations for cars and vans GDPR compliance solutions Software – backend + frontend, and electronics’ firmware Connected Cars and Telematics’ market solutions (Fleet Management, Mobility management, Insurance, Smart Cities) and challenges (car data access, privacy[...]
KU Leuven LICT – (research) expertise in different ICT-related domains
Company Name: KU Leuven
Expertise offered:
LICT (The Leuven Center on Information and Communication Technology) is a cross-departmental center within KU Leuven that bundles the complementary expertise of (electronic) engineers, computer scientists, sociologists and law experts, active in the area of ICT. The mission of the center is to "coordinate and promote top-level research on the design and application of ICT systems (including both hardware and software as well as related social and legal aspects) in support of industry and society". It currently represents more than 700 professors and researchers at different campuses in Flanders. Research activities span the wider ICT domain including "Sensing & Communication[...]
Expertise in Blockchain technologies and infrastructure
Company Name: Blockchain2050 BV
Expertise offered:
We have experience in designing and building Blockchain backends and cloud services as well as direct to market Blockchain-based software. We have a patented Metadata driven Blockchain application generator environment (Metablockchain) and experience in participating in European programs (e.g. we're a member of the H2020 VPP4ISLANDS project).
MY name is Alessandro Bruni, Associate Legal Researcher of the KU Leuven Interdisciplinary Centre for Information Technology and Intellectual Property (CiTiP) Academic research center specialized in legal and ethical aspects of IT technology
Company Name: KU Leuven Center for IT and IP Law
Expertise offered:
The KU Leuven Interdisciplinary Centre for Information Technology and Intellectual Property (CiTiP) has currently a staff of over 80 researchers specialized in legal and ethical aspects of IT technology and innovation. CiTiP is among the founding members of the Leuven Center on Information and Communication Technology (LICT) and of the Flemish digital research and incubation center iMinds that recently merged with Imec, a world-leading research and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies. we have a solid track record as an ethical-legal partner in large international and interdisciplinary research projects. Our center is globally renowned for its expertise in the[...]