Tele2 Sweden aims to cut 4G energy consumption

Tele2 said it is launching a project to make its 4G network more energy efficient through a range of technical updates and innovations, as well as participation in the global...

Focus on Mobility and Industry 4.0 at Celtic-Plus Proposers Day in Berlin

On 21 February 2017, Celtic-Plus organised a Proposers Day in Berlin, together with Deutsche Telekom, who hosted the event. Celtic-Plus Chairman Jacques Magen and Riccardo Pascotto from Deutsche Telekom welcomed...

Innovation 2016

Innovation 2016 - The Week of Research, Development and Innovation in the CR, 6-9 December 2016, Prague On 6-9 December 2016 a symposium on innovation and entrepreneurship took place in...

Celtic-Plus Core Group News

  New Celtic-Plus Vice Chairs: Riza Durucasugil and Jari Lehmusvuori In the Celtic-Plus Core Group meeting on 22 November 2016, the Core-Group members re-elected the Celtic-Plus Chair Jacques Magen and...

The Salon de la Recherche

The Salon de la Recherche is a major showcase event, where the French network operator Orange demonstrates its most interesting R&D results that will shape the future of telecommunications in...

More secure data centres in Europe

Kick-off for Celtic-Plus project SENDATE On 17 October 2016, Celtic-Plus flagship project SENDATE was officially launched at a high-level event in Berlin. This project with 80 Partners from Finland, France...

Your next home management tool

ACEMIND project intends to provide a set of simple solutions for enhancing the management of home network, including Information and Communication Technology (ICT) device, home appliance and home automation sensor...

Turkey: Tubitak announced simplified evaluation process

At the Proposers Days that took place on 22 September at ITU in Istanbul, Tubitak announced an important simplification of their national evaluation process. The Turkish national evaluation of new...

MITSU – Next generation Multimedia efficienT, Scalable and robUst delivery

Seamless and continuous video delivery to users wherever they are and whatever network connection they are using is one of the major challenges for telecom operators and content providers. Market...

Newsletter 1/2016 (June 2016)

The latest edition of the Celtic-Plus Newsletter presents to you a success story about the HFCC/ project as well as two project highlights on the projects SASER and IPNQSIS. Further...

Celtic-Plus – Scope and Research Areas 2016/2017

To better help proposers of a Celtic-Plus project proposal to find their way into the Celtic-Plus world, we have updated and improved the information that was previously presented in the...

ICT project highlights at the Celtic-Plus Event in Stockholm

The Celtic-Plus Event in Stockholm on 28 – 29 April 2016 featured a number of ICT project highlights, which provided a glimpse of the future in information and communications technology...

5 Winners at Celtic-Plus Awards 2016 in Stockholm

At the Celtic-Plus Event in Stockholm on 28 April 2016, five projects were awarded for their outstanding work. Three projects received the Celtic-Plus Excellence Award and two projects the Celtic-Plus...

SIGMONA – SDN Concept in Generalized Mobile Network Architectures

Mobile operator challenges Traffic volumes in mobile networks are increasing and end-user needs are changing rapidly. Mobile network operators need more flexibility, lower network operating costs, faster service roll-out cycles...

NOTTS – Next generation over the top multimedia services

In March 2016, the NOTTS project on Next generation Over-The-Top multimedia Services ended after three years of successful work. The project has provided technological solutions for all the involved stakeholders...

ViLynx in HIPERMED deployment

El País, Spain’s largest newspaper, has adopted video technology by ViLynx to power its web site ( El País has replaced their static video thumbnail with ViLynx technology, offering viewers...

New LTE-Advanced innovations developed – Celtic-Plus SHARING project

Sophia-Antipolis, March 2016. The SHARING project was created to stimulate the 4G evolution towards 5G mobile networks by developing innovative technologies designed to improve network performance and user experience. The...

Simplified Access Control for Sea Ports – Celtic-Plus Project ACIO

Valencia, 18th February 2016. The day-to-day business of sea ports is based on large volumes of freight transport. It includes the management of access control, with about 4,000 people coming...

SAN – Survivable Ad-Hoc Networks for 4G and beyond

The SAN project aimed at developing a 4G broadband mobile wireless communication system endowed with a wide range of ad-hoc and relaying/mesh capabilities. SAN provided a solution based on rapidly...

EUREKA Success Story: Celtic-Plus project HuSIMS

EUREKA published a success story about the Celtic-Plus project HuSIMS (Human Situation Monitoring System). HuSIMS designed an intelligent video surveillance system detecting crime and accidents and, if necessary, raising alarms...

Improved funding conditions for Celtic-Plus Project participants in Spain

A very substantial improvement has been announced by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism (MINETUR) of its funding conditions for Celtic-Plus project: The maximum grant amount based on...

Advanced solutions for secure and flexible networking

The Celtic-Plus project SASER-ADVAntage-NET developed an advanced technology for secure and flexible networks, focusing on the physical and the network management layers. The project run from August 2012 until December...

Celtic-Plus project results at Orange’s Salon de la Recherche

The Salon de la Recherche is a major showcase event, where French network operator Orange demonstrates its most interesting R&D results that will shape the future of telecommunications in Europe...

Smarter cities through innovative solutions from Celtic-Plus project TILAS

4th December 2015. Large amounts of interconnected devices distributed in Smart Cities raise new challenges in terms of network and device management and also in security and multiple-source information handling...

Huge Business Impact – SASER Closing Event in Stuttgart

Stuttgart. After three years of successful work, Celtic-Plus Flagship Project SASER proudly presented its achievement at a closing event in Stuttgart, Germany. More than 80 participants attended the event, which...

Celtic-Plus at Smart City Expo World Congress

  At the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona on 17-19 November 2015, EUREKA Clusters including Celtic-Plus had a strong presence and received high interest. Celtic-Plus was part of...

Better video distribution via broadcast and broadband

19 November 2015, Rennes, France: H2B2VS boosts the hybrid broadcast broadband television with innovative use cases and a future-proof synchronization mechanism. An important step in the hybrid distribution of video...

Opera-Net 2 paves the way towards wireless networks of the future

Lannion, France. Celtic-Plus project Opera-Net 2 has developed new powering solutions for wireless networks. Projects results will help to avoid the foreseeable collapse when power consumption would scale with the expected...

Everlasting Green Wave – Celtic-Plus Project CyberWI wins European Satellite Navigation Award

HALI – Always Green Traffic Signals for Emergency Vehicles got awarded with a PRS Special Prize in the European Satellite Navigation Competition 2015. The German Federal Ministry of Transport and...

Safer Driving with new traffic information solutions

Safer driving with new traffic information solutions by Celtic-Plus project CoMoSeF 21 August 2015, Heidelberg, Germany. Driving will become safer thanks to talking vehicles and novel communication infrastructure solutions for...

Celtic-Plus Proposers Day on 29 June in Paris – Presentations available on Web

The slides presented at our last Celtic-Plus Proposers Day on 29 June in Paris are now available on our Web. Please have a look at the presentations. The last slide...

Geschwindigkeitsrekorde im Rückgrat des Internets – Interview about the record breaking SASER field trial on Deutschlandfunk

The Celtic-Plus Flagship project SASER (Safe and Secure European Routing)  performed a multi-terabit field trial over the existing operational Orange fibre infrastructure between Lyon and Marseille. Please listen to the...

Interview with the team leader of the record breaking SASER field trial

The multi-terabit field trial took place over the existing operational Orange fibre infrastructure between Lyon and Marseille. Please read the interview with the team leader of this ground-breaking achievement, Erwan...

SASER-Siegfried – Record-breaking Transmission Field Trial

Record-breaking Transmission Field Trial of 38.4 Tbps over 762 kilometers Lyon-Marseille-Lyon Fiber Optic Link Paris, France, 23 June 2015 - For the first time, several tens of terabits per second...

New Video: Making History – EUREKA 30 Years

EUREKA celebrates 30 years of coordinated European Investment in innovation. Over the last three decades, EUREKA has been responsible for bringing together SMEs, large companies, research institutes and universities to...

Cloud Security with embedded Secure Elements like a SIM Card

Novel solution by Celtic-Plus project SEED4C Lyon, France. Celtic-Plus project Seed4C has developed a new security concept for the Cloud. The concept is based on a hardware-based solution called “Secure...

Presentations and Photos from the Celtic-Plus Proposers Day in Oulu

On 7 May, Celtic-Plus held a Proposers Day in Oulu, Finland. More than 50 participants joined the event to discuss project ideas and learn about Celtic-Plus procedures as well as...

ITEA PO Days 2015 in Brussels

Our sister organisation ITEA3 is organising a Project Outline Preparation Day on 22-23 September 2015 in Brussels. More details and registration on the ITEA3 Website...

Videos, Photos and Presentations from the Celtic-Plus Event 2015 in Vienna

The Celtic-Plus Event 2015 in Vienna, co-located with the Software Days 2o15, attracted more than 500 participants. Presentation slides, photos and videos from the event are now available on the...

Celtic-Plus Awards 2015

Four projects honoured for excellence and innovation in ICT 30 April 2015, Vienna, Austria. The Celtic-Plus Awards 2015 were presented at the Celtic-Plus Event in Vienna on 27th April. Four...

The Future of Digital Business

Celtic-Plus Event co-located with Software Days in Vienna 24 April 2015, Heidelberg, Germany. More than 500 European experts and decision makers from the digital sector will meet in Vienna on...

Multi-gigabit access via copper

New Celtic-Plus project explores cost-effective ultra-broadband access based on standard 23 March 2015, Heidelberg, Germany. Celtic-Plus is launching a 4.4 million euro project to explore multiple-gigabit copper access based...

Celtic-Plus project QuEEN

Novel quality-of-experience agent for higher communication quality Zaragoza, Spain. On 22 January 2015, Celtic-Plus project QuEEN presented a new modular and layered quality-of-experience (QoE) agent, which can flexibly aggregate different...

Celtic-Plus project HIPERMED wins EUREKA Innovation Award

Celtic-Plus e-health project HIPERMED won the prestigious EUREKA Innovation Award at the EUREKA Innovation Event in Basel on 19 November 2014. Among the three finalists, selected by a jury of...

Memorandum of Understanding signed between Celtic-Plus and Prompt

On 18 November, Celtic-Plus, the EUREKA Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) cluster and industry-driven European research initiative, and Prompt, the Quebec-based industry-university research and development consortium, signed a Memorandum of...

Tools for faster audio-visual production

A consortium of European researchers has developed a set of tools for broadcasters, which will significantly accelerate audio-visual media production. On 23 October 2014, the Celtic-Plus project MediaMap+ presented its...

EUREKA Innovation Award Ceremony This is the EUREKA Innovation Award ceremony at the EUREKA Innovation Event in Basel on 19 November 2014. Celtic-Plus project HIPERMED wins the first price. The project coordinator Oscar...

SASER – Secure Communications for Europe Introduction to the Celtic-Plus flagship project SASER (Safe and Secure European Routing)...

Celtic-Plus and Canadian Prompt express their intention for closer collaboration

The EUREKA ICT cluster and industry - driven European research initiative Celtic-Plus and the Quebec-based, industry-university Research and Development consortium Prompt have agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding to...

Microwave Made Easy

Last week in the castle Birlinghoven (Bonn) the final review of the Celtic CIER project took place. The Celtic-Plus project CIER has developed a self-configuration technology that allows installing microwave...

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